Where does your passion for sustainability come from?
Ever since I was young, my family has had very specific eco habits without our home due to the severe droughts that Australia experienced in my childhood. Whilst they are now not as extreme, it has meant that moving into adulthood I have continued to make many changes in order to pursue a more eco-conscious lifestyle. My sustainability journey was also fostered when a few years ago in high school I took a subject called Philosophy, which encouraged me to look at alternative perspectives in regards to ethics, the good life and minimalism. This encouraged me to be even more proactive in making changes in my life and have given me the push to to study a Bachelor of Environment and Society to help educate the community and inform policy in regards to the environment and ways to reduce our impact
What is your best piece of advice for people starting their eco journey?
The biggest thing I have learnt so far is that being more eco conscious does not mean purging all of your things and replacing them with environmentally friendly products - to truly take a step in the right direction, you can use what you already have, start from where you are comfortable and do what you can moving forward to replace your habits with ones that are more sustainable. Any changes you are making, big or small, are wonderful and equally as valuable.